This Vin De Pays creation by Louis Latour and company has light cherry red color with cherry and strawberry notes in the bouquet with an under layer of licorice that is subtle and a bit of steel.
In the mouth this wine is nicely structured with tannins and a gentle flavor that is amazingly varietal though much more understated than you might expect of the grape. this wine actually drinks somewhat elegantly with a finish that hangs on pleasantly.
Now here's the thing--this wine cost just $11. It's hard to find a Pinot Noir for that price much less a quality one. No this isn't a Burgundy classic but then neither is the price. Raise a glass to inexpensive enjoyment!
I agree with your tasting notes and thoroughly enjoyed this wine. Actually I went online to find out what it was worth since I forgot how I came about this wine. It drank far better than its price.