I tried this at a store sponsored wine tasting. Although the distributor was about a warm as a Minnesota winter and as sour as a week-old uncorked red, the WineStyles store owner/manager was fantastic. Tryst comes from Australia. At a time when all Austrailian low and medium-priced wines seem to be plateauing with a character that is blah Tryst stands out in its originality.
The name comes from the (secret? ilicit? unexpected?) combination of Cabernet Sauvignon, Tempranillo and Zinfandel. What the wine lacks in grace it makes up for in originality and interest. The flavors do not so much blend as they co-mingle. They do not layer so much as cycle. This is not bad either. It is unuaual but that is what makes this wine so interesting and original. The tight Cab is offset by the character and fruitiness of the Zin and the soft vanilla and cream flavors of the Tempranillo.
On the nose it has the peppery spice and warm fruit of the Cab and Zin. On the palate and finish, the Tempranillo really shines. Yet throughout there is a swirling, a tie-dyed interaction of the varietal flavors. That is part of the intriguing and endearing nature of this wine.
At about $16 for a bottle it is inexpensive enough to try a bottle without being put out too much if you don't care for the combination. I had this bottle alone but my hunch is that the palate of flavors would lend itself nicely to nearly anything.
This is a wine that I will be purchasing more of in the (near) future if for no other reason than it is so much fun to drink. There is always something seemingly new in the bottle.
So Raise a glass to interesting combinations and an Australian wine worth going back for!
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