Each year blogs across a slew of categories are nominated as the "best of the web" for that category.
We are proud to announce that The Wine Cask Blog has made it to the top 10 in the Best Cooking – Recipe Blog category.
If you enjoy what you read here, please take a moment to go HERE, scroll down about one third of the way and vote for The Wine Cask. If you are interested, the rules for voting and tabulation are here
While you are there, take a gander at the other categories and you may find something new and interesting. There are simply scads of fantastic internet opinion givers and maker, each with their views and areas of expertise. Take some time and discover something new.
Don't forget to vote for The Wine Cask, and THANKS!
Raise a Glass.
Cool! Kudos to the three of you. I love reading your stuff. I'll be sure to go vote!