Saturday, July 27, 2024

Match Book Malbec 2021


Magenta hue with aromas of brooding blackberry pie and hints of spiced apple rings, quite impressive.

Palate--Silky first impression with lively acidity and spice, and blackberries galore. (Some of the reviews I read after reviewing it myself, are a bit over the top with the myriad flavors etc. one "imagines.") But I won't go there in this review...

This "Dunnigan Hills" Malbec is a good example of the grape although this is a first I believe for my experience with "Dunnigan Hills."  Listed around the $20 price point I would be disappointed at that price. I paid $10 in which case it is a good example as I said of the grape. At the lower price point, raise a glass!

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