My wife just shoved a glass of this in my face and I asked, "What is it?" She said, "I don't need to tell you." Which meant--"You tell me Mr. Smarty wine snobby pants!
I sniffed and noted the gobs of vanilla, light citrus and rather fragrant fruity aromas saying--Chardonnay, New World, 2007 Central Coast, Ca.
When I saw the bottle, I was truly surprised to see that it was Sutter Home. This wine costs $5 and the fact that I was able to identify such a varietal at this price point means that it is a well made, even if CHEAP wine, and indeed it is.
So, raise a glass to value wines!
I second that. My wife and I drank a bottle of this tonight and were pleasantly surprised by the quality of this low cost wine. We intend to stock up.