Friday, June 08, 2007

House White 2006 The Magnficent Wine Co. wine review by (PB)

In a recent tasting with K-Vintner's wine genius Charles Smith, this was one of the wines we tasted. I don't care for wine tastings a great deal because invariably the amount of wine poured for the "taste" is too little to accurately "taste" the wine. At the tasting, I made some notes, I liked this wine enough to buy a couple bottles, but after opening my own bottle and having a real taste, this wine was considerably better than it was at the tasting.

The reason--again--is that the thimble full of sample given at free tastings doesn't give you enough liquid to work with. I wish the folks who do these tastings would realize that they would sell more wine, and get better reviews if they weren't so tight on the 1/2 ounce sample they pour.

That being said, this wine, which is their production line variety selling for $10, is a very well made wine with some wonderful aromas, flavors, and balanced acids. The wine is actually a Washington State varietal (Chardonnay) with some Gewurztraminer in the blend. Smith releases different "lots" of this wine with grapes sourced from different locations. Which means bottle variation is a real possibility.

This one is straw colored with awesome candied, pear bouquet with a touch of butter scotch down deep. It is nice in the mouth with a nice structure, citrus, cream more pears and peach notes. This wine is wonderful for an aperitif or with food. Recommended value so raise a glass!

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  1. Anonymous9:04 AM

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