The magic of wine is the mystery it hides, the camaraderie it engenders and the conviviality it heightens. So when my sister-in-law and her husband flew in from Chicago to surprise my wife and I on our 35th, his willingness to share one of his three allocated bottles of this wine was "special!"
Turley wines are hard to come by with a cult following that means you experience Ms. Turley's wines by someone else's good graces.
We opened it and embraced its black cherry/and purple hue with ripe black berries in the nose and more black cherry notes.
On the palate the tannins are silky with ripe fruit that has a touch of elegance and pepper. After breathing, it is tasty, and delicious but surprisingly, slightly "weak" as compared with say the style of Rosenblum's many single vineyard creations. Not a fair comparison perhaps but for the price ($40) you're paying for the supply and demand factor rather than the fruit. The wine would be more fairly priced in the mid $20's. But raise a glass and "Thanks Greg!"
First, Helen Turley has nothing to do with the present day operation. Second I find Turley overated and thier presence snobish.